In a future where disconnecting from the network is a capital offense, an elite police force hunts down “Disconnects” and eliminates them. But when one lonely cop is unplugged from the system by a mysterious woman, he finds himself on the run from the very unit he used to work for.
Monitor is an independent, creator-owned 100-page graphic novel by Damian Wampler (writer) and Elisabeth Mkheidze (lines), with color by Lukasz Juśkiewicz, and featuring a kick-ass cover by Drax Gal and Nick Wentland.
In the country of Seaboard, you are connected, or you are deleted. The Server rules over all, and those who would choose to live as Disconnects find themselves hunted by the Axons. These elite soldiers have one task: to protect the integrity of the network. Follow Eric, a rogue Axon, and Talira, a disconnected radical, as they race to escape the heavily-policed city-state and find freedom among the free-born peoples living on the fringes of society. Explore the ideas of connectivity and what freedom truly is. Who makes the truth and what does it really mean? Who decides your fate in a world where computers know your every action and desire before you do?
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